euglottia               Linguistic Services of any Kind   

instant translations    proof reading    grammar    pronunciation    word origin

deutsch frz

Linguistic Services of any Kind

With euglottia you can get each and every linguistic service – with primary regard to German but also to any other language.

We guarantee that you can make your texts perfect with euglottia:
  • instant translations – of e-mails, web sites, descriptions of ebay items etc.
  • proof reading – orthographical, grammatical, stylistic revisions of any kind of text as well as revisions regarding its content
  • foreign-language revision – proof-reading of foreign-language texts, revisions of translations

With euglottia you can learn about languages and even learn whole languages:
  • grammatical service – solves every grammatical problem in any human language
  • pronunciation – gains control of every articulatory problem in any human language
  • word origin service – gets every scientifically tenable fact about the history of a given word in any language across to you
  • programming languages – helps you to learn about the programming of a computer

You'll find explanations following the links. For inquiries please send an e-mail to:

info @

recommended links

list of prices*    general terms and conditions    guaranteeing

our name 'euglottia'    site map    contact/imprint    ^ top of the page

* small pdf-document (37 kB), readable with the "Acrobat Reader", free download here.

latest revision August 22, 2005